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video / April 2024

International Small Cap: Full Speed Ahead

How Causeway's International Small Cap strategy generated 17% alpha net of fees over the last twelve months, and why portfolio characteristics continue to be as attractive as at any time in the last three years.

webcast / April 2024

Causeway Capital Webcasts: 1Q2024

Causeway Capital invites you to view our 1Q2024 series of quarterly webcasts. During these webcasts, we review performance of our strategies and share our investment outlook.

article / February 2024

Emerging Markets Revival: Six Points with Arjun Jayaraman

Six reasons why EM equities are exhibiting a new, more diverse vitality.

webcast / January 2024

Causeway Capital Webcasts: 4Q2023

Causeway Capital invites you to view our 4Q2023 series of quarterly webcasts. During these webcasts, we review performance of our strategies and share our investment outlook.

article / January 2024

Emerging Markets 2024: Beyond Traditional Notions

It is time to shed old notions of emerging markets equities, says Arjun Jayaraman.

webcast / October 2023

Causeway Capital Webcasts: 3Q2023

Causeway Capital invites you to view our 3Q2023 series of quarterly webcasts. During these webcasts, we review performance of our strategies and share our investment outlook.

article / September 2021

Don’t Fear the Fed: The Impact of Monetary Tightening on Emerging Markets Equities

The current tightening cycle may not be grounds for avoiding emerging markets equities.

article / May 2021

Price is Everything

Causeway portfolio managers share their perspectives on cyclicals leading the pandemic reopening rally, and how they are repositioning client portfolios as a result.